Jan 1, 2013

Alone in Space - v0.0.0.2


Happy new year! I hope you a lot of love and great things for the incoming year 2013!

There was no real activity on Alone in Space since my last "run" around christmas. From then I worked on making a playable demo of the current state gameplay. You can build structures.  I'm going to present this demo at a meeting in Lyon (France) organized by the Game Dev Party (which promote the indie gamedev). The meeting takes place the 10th of january. More informations about this event here (in french) : Passion sans Limite.

I also thrown a personnal challenge to myself : create a flash game before the end of 2012. So I worked about 12 hours on two days making a simple flash game. It's available on Kongragate, so feel free to test it! That's not perfect, there are optimization problems. But keep in mind that it was done in a few hours. By the way, I want to improve it to be fun and user friendly as well. I wont add additionnal features, just improve the existing ones.


  1. Happy new year to you too. Good luck with your project.

    1. Hello there. Thanks for your support. I'll go as far as I can!
