Dec 2, 2012


Energy management is another gameplay of the game. All structures will need energy to be able to operate properly. This special resource cannot be stored. Unlike the other natural resources, energy must be produced continually to supply the zone's structures.

This part of gameplay is created!
On this screenshot you can see some solar plants supplying 2 refineries. Unfortunately, the solar plants don't produce enough energy for the 2 structures so one of them is currently shut down. In order to tell the player that something is wrong, a rotating storm is shown above the structure.


  1. What about kick-starting your project? Did you thought about it?

    1. Hey Tim.

      First, Kickstarter is open for projects done in the US. As long as I live in France, I'm not supposed to use it.
      And about crowd funding my project, I don't want to hurry. I have a full time job and cannot work more than 1 or 2 hours a day on it. I may need some money for music, audio sounds and may be 3D modelling (I do the place holders by myself for now). But I don't want to leave my job. So I think this would be too early.

